Things You Need to Know Before Getting a Hamster

By Pets and Paws 4 Min Read

Things You Need to Know Before Getting a Hamster

I remember when my friend once told me about his childhood “pet,” Cocoa. When he saw Cocoa first time in a pet store, he fell in love and bought her. But he soon realized that he wasn’t equipped to give the hamster what she needed to grow and blossom. The store had sold him pine shavings for bedding, never warning him how bad they are for small animals, and Cocoa developed a respiratory infection that made her sneeze constantly. Although she lived for almost two more years.

Hamsters make great pets for many people. They don’t need a lot of attention, get enough exercise running on their wheel, and they’re cute, cuddly, and pleasant to hold.

Unfortunately, Hamsters do not come with care instructions. While it’s not difficult to take care of a hamster, on the other hand, it may help with having at least a basic understanding of what you’re dealing with Before Getting a Hamster. Here are some things you need to know before getting a “Pet” Hamster.

Too Young for Hamsters

The hamster seems like the perfect pet for your little child, but it’s not true. Expecting any child, no matter how mature, to be able to take care of an animal on its own puts both the animal and the child’s happiness at risk. Simply because they need careful, gentle handling, and don’t generally feel safe in smaller hands.

Provide Fresh Food

A hamster should have fresh, unspoiled food offered every day, They don’t like to eat leftovers. For a perfect diet, keep your pet’s feeding bowl about three-quarters of the way full.

To get more information about the Hamsters diet you can check our Hamster Food Guide

Feed Your Hamsters from a Bowl

Whether block or kibble, Make sure that your hamster’s chow, is served in a dish or bowl. Hamsters may chew their bedding, and this may cause serious health issues.

Make the Bedding ECO, use Natural Materials

Oat hay, Timothy hay, Brome hay, Orchardgrass, and Botanical hay, all of these considered an excellent bedding option for hamsters.

Clean your hamster’s Cage and Change the Bedding

Cleaning your hamster’s cage depending on the type of cage you are keeping your hamster in, and don’t miss to clean her bedding by removing feces on a weekly basis, it is recommended to change her entire bedding once monthly.

The Vet is a good person to visit

Getting a new Hamster means taking your pet to see your veterinarian once per year is a good habit, regardless of her apparent health. Some health concerns you may watch are blood in her urine, sores on her feet, loss of appetite, loose stools, overgrown front teeth, bald patches in her fur, running nose, and wheezing.

Bring the Gym to the Cage

Hamsters need daily exercise. If the cage is not equipped with a wheel for running, then consider getting a hamster ball to run inside of. But no matter what you should ever leave your hamster unattended while inside the ball.

if you don’t know what cage to buy check these options

Hamsters Need to Play, Give Them Toys

Hamsters need to keep their teeth occupied, they like to chew while in their cage. Pet stores offer special chewing blocks and toys made just for hamsters.

Read also:

What Is The Proper Way To Hold a Hamster

125 Cute Names for Girl Hamster

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